Scary Cabin Renovations | Scary Cabin
Our scary cabin renovation project.
08/07/2017Pictures of the cabin at time of purchase
Downstairs bathroom
07/09/2017Remodel pictures of downstairs main bathroom
Kitchen remodel pictures
Windows and Doors
05/24/2014Installation of new windows and doors
Downstairs bedroom
05/15/2016Remodel pictures of downstairs bedroom
Living room
07/10/2017Remodel pictures of living room
Upstairs bathroom
07/10/2017Remodel pictures of upstairs bathroom
Upstairs bedrooms
07/10/2017Remodel pictures of the two upstairs bedrooms
Utility room
07/30/2017Remodel pictures of the utility room
05/21/2017Pictures of things outside the cabin
Local Trips
Photo documenting trips and exploration around the cabin