Monday, April 13, 2015


A quick day trip to the cabin to get the downstairs bedroom one step closer to done. The height difference between the hallway floor, with it’s in-floor heating, Ditra, and tile was at least 3/4” higher than the bedroom sub-floor. To correct this, we wanted to add another 1/2” to the bedroom sub-floor. So hook up the trailer, take a trip to Ray’s Hardware to get some plywood and head back. With the 1/2” ply and the laminate, the height of the bedroom floor is very close to the hallway floor so mission accomplished!

With time to spare, we added some door trim to both the bedroom and bathroom doors on the hallway side. The bedroom door trim was a bit of a challenge. For some reason, the door frame was almost a 1/4” inset from the sheetrock at the top. Small gaps are easily filled by caulk, but not only did this leave a gap, but it also caused the top piece of trim to be about 1/4” proud of the side trim and that’s not acceptable. After hacking away some sheetrock under trim makes things line up nicely and all the hacked up sheetrock is hidden behind the trim. No one will even know. Given that no one reads this, I think our secret is safe.